MEms TEst voor hOog-volulme Innovatieve ElektRonIschE Toepassingen II
Funding: EFRO Oost
Project duration: 1 janaury 2024 – 31 december 2027
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) combine electrical and non-electrical properties (such as thermal, fluidic and optical) on a chip. Widely used in sensors, MEMS find applications in various sectors, such as mechanical engineering, medical technology, consumer electronics and the automotive industry. Due to increasing demand, work is being done on chips with combined functions to save costs and space.
The production of MEMS is similar to that of conventional chips, with structures on wafers that are cut down into individual chips and then packaged. Ideally, chips are already tested at wafer level (‘waferscale MEMS testing’) to reduce costs and improve manufacturing processes. However, the lack of effective wafer-scale tests for MEMS hinders further scale-up, as these tests usually require mechanical, thermal or flow stimulation, which is difficult to apply during the manufacturing process.
The METEORIET II project develops a method to test MEMS chips, here the thermal flow sensors, at wafer level with electrical stimuli, allowing conclusions about non-electrical properties. In this project, various companies and institutions are working together to take this technology to a higher TRL level. If successful, this will strengthen testing capacity in the East of the Netherlands, attract companies, and reduce the costs of MEMS products. This leads to a broader application of MEMS and increases its social impact.
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Project members ANT:
Aleksandar Andreski
Project leader
Yulia Tykhonenko-Polishchuk
Project member
Project partners:
Salland Engineering B.V
Saxion Hogeschool
Bronkhorst High-Tech